Results for «Waste management»

Gaza: Health Under Siege

43m 08s

After three wars in eight years and an ongoing eleven-year blockade, how are the people of Gaza coping? Many public employees, whether they are doctors in the large hospitals or waste management supervisors in the garbage dump, have been working without pay for over seven years. And yet despite this, the provision of basic public services continues through the tremendous efforts of people trying to keep the city functioning.

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Green Warriors: Indonesia, the World's most Polluted River

54m 12s

The Citarum river in Indonesia, is the world's most polluted river. A reporter teamed up with international scientists to investigate the causes and consequences of this pollution. One of the main polluters is actually the fashion industry : 500 textile factories throw away their wastewater directly into the Citarum river.

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Water Is Our Future - The Emscher - The Miracle in the Coalfields

51m 51s

In the Ruhr district of Germany, we witness the comeback of a small river and an entire landscape. For decades, the Emscher was the most polluted river in Europe. Now, it’s being returned from an industrial sewer to a natural river system. With the help of waste water treatment plants, liberated river beds, and returning animal species, this unique natural region is blossoming.

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